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I am not especially wise, but I am open.
Interior quietude
is a description of a gift, a state of openness where we consent to the Holy
Presence and its many mysteries. It is a peaceful sense of communion with the Mystery and deliberate striving to live life as a prayer.
IQ will share glimpses of my contemplative Christian journey
in hopes other hearts may be stirred and encouraged.
decades, spiritual practices (for which I had no names because of the context of my religious tradition) nourished my soul, helped me rest, and led to experience of the Presence of God. They include: silence, stillness, solitude, Lectio Divina (a method of praying the
scriptures), discursive prayer, sweeping, music composition, and contemplative prayer.
In 2014, with a calling to deepen, I committed to further disciplined practice.
In 2014, with a calling to deepen, I committed to further disciplined practice.
An exploration of how other contemplatives were building practices into the
rhythms of daily life began to blossom. At The Practice, Father Michael Sparough introduced us to the Examen, Aaron Niequist brought a new liturgy to my heart, and in 2015, I became a student of MDLSpiritual Formation, seeking to be inwardly
conformed to the image of Christ.
Henry Nouwen, Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault, Thomas Keating, Peter Traben Haas, Tim Cook, Ilia Delio, Teilhard de Chardin, Beth O'Brien, the Desert Mothers and Fathers, the Practice, the Contemplative Society, Contemplative Christians, Contemplative Outreach, CAC, CCR, and other sources of wisdom have become helpful companions.